Friday, 1 September 2017

International week celebrating cultural diversity

International Week was celebrated in the school last week as a time of celebrating and appreciating cultural diversity within our school community.

During the week. students were entertained with cultural music by school musicians and Mr Jack Kirifi from our local community came and spoke to Year 10 class on his perspective of being Samoan and coaching rugby. Students from Germany, Japan and China also visited junior classes as guest speakers for question and answer times about their home country sharing their knowledge and talking about not only the differences but also the similarities.

Several events were held in the library. Mrs Hermanns had interested students making iconic buildings models, there was a quiz on car logos from around the world and Guess the Comics’ origins. One event which also proved to be very popular was the sushi making demonstration by Ken and Sonya, Sushi Ninja owners. Boys could also have a go at making sushi themselves and there was a chance to answer questions to win a slice of sushi. I’m sure we’ll aim to have this again next year.

The hostel dining room also got into the theme with a variety of food from different days having Italian, Greek, Mexican, USA and Hungarian meals and International students read a prayer in own language each week. Another popular event for all juniors was sport from different countries being taught by the senior students and students made the most of the fine weather during the week.

Students from Dongguan Middle School in China were a highlight at assembly on Friday presenting their school dance and thanking their Year 10 buddies who did an outstanding job of looking after them at school during their stay of one month. The boys also visited a junior class and taught them their Chinese song.

Friday was the climax to a great week. Students wore mufti with a cultural theme and the boys could buy Japanese, Indian, Chinese and pizzas food at lunchtime while listening to Spanish music being played in the quad by school band under guidance of Mr Tobias Wright and accompanied by Mrs Christina Hermanns.

The intention of International week was strengthening cultural and ethnic diversity. Once again, the school can continue to feel enriched by the experience recognising the core values of our Catholic Lasallian school which include and reflect the values of cultural diversity.